There are a lot of differing opinions on how to address laminitis. To help with understanding how herbs can...
Archive for category: Articles
Try our Retirement Blend The anti-inflammatory properties of this blend combined with circulatory stimulants and elimination initiators provides gentle...
“As the cold winter months set in, herbs are an effective way to ensure horses are healthier and comfortable...
Some may naturally have an easier time maintaining weight while others struggle. Horses referred to as “hard keepers” might...
Winter brings with it a range of issues that can be supported gently with nutritional herbs. Country Park’s Winter...
Take a holistic approach to your equine’s health care. Our Autumn Blend is formulated to help prepare your horse...
The ‘why - what - when and how’ of herbs will vary depending on which herbal philosophy you adopt;...
Using calming herbs for horses is a natural way to relieving tension and anxiety. You can use them on...
Rosehips have been used as a herbal medicine for more than 2,000 years. The powerhouse of nutrients working in...
….herbal support to the rescue From a herbal perspective we don’t necessarily suggest herbs for a specific problem. For...