My trough is icy, shards to break through.

I feel not myself although my rug does help keep in the warmth

Have lost a little of my spirit, circulation slowing down.

“Brrr, it is so cold”, my owner shivering the words as she comes near,

“I have a Winter Blend to help you through, to have you feeling better, to get the circulation going”.

I neigh a little, swish my tail, my day just got brighter, my steps lighter as I trot to meet her.

The folk at CP just seem to know how the seasons ebb and flow, how to make each day better, to lift my spirits to get me through.

I am very lucky, I consider, as I take my time to eat this Blend, to taste its goodness and just let my thoughts delight in the promise of new growth, the warmth to come when this cold season trots into Spring.


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