Country Park Autumn Blend

$ 60.00$ 275.00

1.25 – 6.25kg

Country Park Herbal Blends – ingredients chosen and precisely formulated by Country Park in consultation with Catherine Bird, Author and Equine Natural Therapist.  Catherine also offers advice to Country Park clients and has done so for over 23 years.


Formulated to help prepare your horse for the colder months of winter. The antioxidant properties of these herbs target all body systems to aid the immune system.

The herbs included in this blend are:
Echinacea Leaf increases the body’s resistance to infection
Licorice Root a general tonic
Peppermint Leaf assists to regulate the body’s temperature
Rosehips high in Vitamin C to assist with fighting mild infections
Parsley rich in Vitamin C and iron to help eliminate waste from the body
St. Mary’s Thistle contains silymarin to support the liver

#Note – Owners should be aware that (1) some herbs in these blends contain naturally occurring constituents that may be restricted by equine sport regulators and (2) some herbs in these blends may be unsuitable for pregnant mares and we recommend that you consult with a qualified herbal practitioner or your veterinarian before using.

Packed in Australia from imported ingredients

Additional information

Weight 1.25 kg

1.25 kg, 6.25 kg

SKU: N/A Categories: ,

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Carol  +61 2-6238 1135    Ruth  +61 7-5596 4387

Website by Sandy - EquesDesign

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