For horse owners, taking care of their horse’s hooves and coat are an essential part of the daily care routine. While there is a range of one-size-fits-all synthetic options that claim to grow their coat strong and improve hoof health, many horse owners turn away from chemical options and instead begin to seek out natural horse hoof and coat supplements.

Using a combination of herbal plants that play a role in healing and growth, our natural hoof supplements for horses work to play a part in promoting strong hooves and beautiful, healthy coats. Use these supplements on an everyday basis or as-needed when you want your horse to look and feel their best. Unlike other horse supplements on the market, our product ranges are all-natural and made with only naturally-occurring ingredients.

Why Use a Comfrey Leaf Horse Supplement?

A comfrey leaf horse supplement is considered by many horse owners to be the best natural supplements for horses. Comfrey is a herb that can play a role in health for humans, horses, and even soil. Known as a “natural mineral mine,” comfrey leaf is packed with minerals like phosphorous, nitrogen, and potassium. In the folk medicine traditions of countries including Russia, comfrey leaf is incorporated for the role it can play for conditions in humans like arthritis, ulcers, and gout.

Modern horse owners typically rely on comfrey leaf for the part it can play in skin and bone health and growth, scar tissue minimisation, and arthritis protection.

If your horse is recovering from a broken limb, has a fracture, or experiences ulcer issues, then comfrey leaf supplements can play a role in your comprehensive treatment approach. Comfrey leaf is also prized for the role it can play in keeping hooves strong and nourished and maintaining a healthy, long coat. Comfrey leaves can be used on their own or you can pair them with other herbs or supplements.

Our consultants would love to walk you through the safe usage of comfrey to play a role in your horse’s care.

Contact Us for Comfrey Leaf and Other Herbal Horse Supplements

You want the best for your horse, and products full of chemicals and synthetic ingredients are no longer the choices you want to turn to for daily care or in preparations for special events and shows. Horse owners like you now have another option: whether you are seeking out comfrey leaf or a wide range of other herbal horse supplements, Country Park Animal Herbs provides a convenient, knowledgeable, and reliable partner and provider.

For a range of natural herbal supplements that can play a role in your horse’s wellbeing, Country Park Animal Herbs is the resource to turn you when you need support for natural horse care. With 18 years in the business and customer service that connects you directly to our owners, you can trust us to support your quest to find natural remedies to play a part in your horse’s health. Get in contact to find out more, and ask how we can connect returning customers to a supportive consultation session to further their knowledge and product understanding.

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Carol  +61 2-6238 1135    Ruth  +61 7-5596 4387

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