Country Park Respiratory Support Blend

$ 45.00$ 200.00

Country Park Herbal Blends – ingredients chosen and precisely formulated by Country Park in consultation with Catherine Bird, Author and Equine Natural Therapist.  Catherine also offers advice to Country Park clients and has done so for over 23 years.


Contains the herbs in the Airway Soothe Blend but with the additional three herbs listed below for horses that are in fire affected areas or not coping well with the smoke.

Marshmallow root helps soothe as a demulcent herb and helps with respiratory tension.
Fenugreek seeds further supports the demulcent aspect of the blend and with anti -inflammatory and nutritive properties will assist with debility and condition.
Nettle leaf has been added for its anti- inflammatory action and nutritive value; traditionally nettle gives courage.
Mullein for irritation and inflammation of the airways.
Peppermint to assist breathing and the immune system with calming, cooling actions, and to settle horses that are agitated and restless.
Rosehips to help with mild infections of the respiratory systems and support as a tonic for affected tissues with the vitamin C to assist with the ongoing stress effect of smoke

1 cupful (40g) of Blend daily

Additional information

Weight 1.25 kg

1.25 kg, 6.25 kg

SKU: N/A Category:

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Carol  +61 2-6238 1135    Ruth  +61 7-5596 4387

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