Winter brings with it a range of issues that can be supported gently with nutritional herbs. Country Park’s Winter Blend contains some of the most nutritional herbs available in traditional Western herbalism, Clivers, Nettles, Raspberry leaf and Dandelion Leaf.

When herbs are dried correctly, it is possible to retain most of the vitamin, mineral and therapeutic qualities so that they can be fed in small amounts. These herbs in combination can readily supply the minerals calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, sodium, copper, iron, iodine, and vitamins A, C, D, E and K.

Depending on the needs of your horse and your routine, you can give these herbs individually or use the Winter Blend.

The other aspect with Winter is that it is a ‘slow down’ time for the body so it needs to be nurtured. The Clivers is an essential herb to help fend off mud fever during the wetter months, as well as when combined with Nettles nutritionally prepare ponies for the ‘laminitis’ season in Spring. Raspberry Leaf can help prepare mares by having their nutritional preparation in place for the coming breeding season.

The herbs can be considered a ‘food’ as the nutrients are easily utilised without the strain of processing excess ‘hard minerals’ though the elimination systems.

With older joints, the addition of ginger powder to the daily routine helps ‘warm’ the horse’s body from within. One teaspoon is plenty to help with discomfort and stiffness, as well as improve the digestive processes that can slow during cold weather.

Catherine Bird, who is also the author of A Healthy Horse the Natural Way, has been an equine natural therapist for 25 years working closely with Country Park Animal Herbs for over 10 years offering advice to their clients.
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